16 November 2006

Freaky Neighbours, part 4

It's been a while since I've had cause to whine about my neighbours. Well, now I have grave fears that our next door neighbours may be amphetamine addicted shift workers. Or worse - students whose rich parents pay their rent for them (because otherwise students couldn't afford to live here) and have just started end-of-exam party season. Gods help us!

Woke up to noise of chatter, with the occasional shriek - you know, the kind of shriek that emits out of a drunk female - and yell (from accompanying drunk/hyped up males). Then the music started. Sounded like some kind of recent dancey kind of music*. Got up to feed E-chan at 1:30am who woke a little later than usual (thank goodness he sleeps through this kind of noise!), and went back to bed.

Unfortunately, next door were still at it. The music turned from dancey to something even harder to tolerate. It wasn't bad '80's nostalgia compilations (Buzz and Words: Kind of like water toture) - it was a band I couldn't place, but sounded like a mix between Pearl Jam and Metallica. 80's music might have been OK, as at least tunes would have been familiar. Instead, we had hard rock anthems with deep booming bass - just the kind of music that vibrates through walls and floors well.

An hour later and still not able to sleep, I thought "this is getting ridiculous". Unlike BSharp, cannot put in earplugs for fear of not hearing E-chan if he wakes up and cries out. Put on some jeans and went in search of noise source. Thought it might be downstairs and along a bit, but found to my horror it was next door. Other side of bedroom wall, in fact. Knocked on door but it was too loud for them to hear (or they didn't care). Went back and wrote them a note that I slipped under their door after knocking when music was in a relatively quiet bit, and escaped before they might open door (best to remain anonymous in these situations, I think).

Music finally was turned off about 15 mins later - whether my note had any effect, I'll never know. Heard other people banging on wall/their door, so message might finally have got through. We retaliated by buzzing them on their intercom at 7:30am when C-chan left for work! Good Morning, A***holes!

* Can't be more specific, as this is one of the music genres that with few exceptions, I just don't follow, along with Opera, 70's prog rock and thrash metal.


Anonymous said...

Unlike BSharp, cannot put in earplugs for fear of not hearing E-chan if he wakes up and cries out.

You mean babies don't come with a vibrating alert? :)

Anonymous said...

Sadly not yet a feature of 2006 baby models!