Today I wandered about with bub in the baby carrier - it is a lovely sunny day. Here are some snaps we took on the weekend. Went to my favourite cafe this morning (that we used to frequent for breakfast, but haven't made it there since bub was born). Bought a coffee, and the staff remembered me! I've never had a pet, but babies are equally good conversation starters. I've had more conversations with strangers lately than in a long while.
I walked home, and encountered an old man standing outside his terrace.
Old Man: nice afternoon!
Meririsa: is it? I think it's still morning (thinking: how nice to not wear a watch every day)
O M: How old is your baby?
M: 10 weeks!
O M: Babies are a gift to mankind!
M: Yes, true!
O M: And totally defenseless.
Not quite sure how his mind leapt from his first observation to the second, but both statements are true. Babies are uttlerly defenseless and reliant on you for everything. Last night, E-chan woke an hour or so after his feed and change, and wailed his eyes out. After a quick cuddle, everything was OK again, and he was virtually asleep on my shoulder. Perhaps 10-week-olds have nightmares? Dreaming of being born, or his immunisation jabs? Who knows?
Another funny thing is playing "Which baby belongs to which mother" (a bit like guessing which dog belongs to which owner!). It's startling how much like their parents some babies look. I honestly thought all babies looked similar only a few months ago, but they are so different. Some have defined noses, sticking out ears, big or small mouths, so many different hair colours, skin colours, blue eyes, dark eyes, small, large, cute, ugly. And their cries are so different. I swear a baby in the maternity ward in hospital sounded like a cat mewing!!
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