04 August 2006

ABC style self promotion; and freaky evangelicals

Here is an interesting article. What do we think of this, folks? Notice how everyone always skims over the small problem of nuclear waste? When someone starts talking seriously about dealing with the problem, I may listen to such champions. But noone ever seems to want to answer the hard questions (where to put the power plants, how to make them secure, and how to dispose of the waste so that many generations ahead will not get radioactive poisoning).

Someone once asked me can I imagine earth in 10,000 years time, humans stumbling across a yellow container buried under the ground with "Danger! Radioactive" written on it, but not having a frigging clue what it says because English as a language has long mutated into something else? That's right - English has changed very much in the last 1000 years despite people writing it down. It will most certainly be unintelligible in 10,000 years. We may not even have hard or electronic copy archives with the language recorded. Language may be then to todays script what today's script is to heiroglyphics. Interesting thought.

In addition, the SMH seems to be writing infomercials for it's weekend edition (go to end of article). Strange, huh? Haven't seen this before, but not at all suprising (call me cynical). I think it's only in the online edition, but still...


Also was watching the midday news, and Evangelical Christians in the US are apparently drawing parallels between prophetic chapters of the Bible and the fighting in Lebanon and Israel. Freaks.

I shouldn't be so harsh though... once a certain 15 year old was freaking out in a similar manner when the Gulf War was happening in 1991. But then I was only 15, and only partially educated at the time, and didn't go on television stating my beliefs.*

*[That period in my life was right before I realised that Revelations wasn't describing word for word what was happening in Iraq at the time, followed rapidly by "not being sure at all that I believe in this religion stuff", and stopping going to church/youth group entirely. It was probably a 3 month process from go to woe].

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