05 July 2006

Fun with nicknames

One thing I'm finding is that along with parenthood I am developing a bit of a talent for coming up with new nicknames for the youngster. I was coming up with at least one new one a day a little while back, but now the favourites are beginning to get used regularly and new ones only spring up every so often. Here's a sample:

- Munchkin (OK, so not original, but he is very munchin-y)
- Munchkin-face
- Munchkinator (a favourite)
- Senor E-chan
- Young/Little Mister (Sorry Mermaidgrrrl, I try not to use the latter 'cause you grabbed that one first but it slips out sometimes)
- Twinkletoes
- Sweet Pea
- Possum (thank goodness he is developing cuddly tendancies)

He will be mortified if I keep using most of these beyond school age, but I doubt he can stop me. It's the role of the parent, after all, to embarrass their offspring up until the end of school-age... yes?


Anonymous said...

Beyond school age I'd say - my mum still manages to embarrass me by harking back to toilet training, mistakes made while learning to walk, inability to tie shoelaces etc

BSharp said...

Sap-a-rama! (smiles) Glad to read you're enjoying his company...and can now return to farting without fear of offense of house guests! I'll let ya know when we're next in da hood.

J said...

Oh I like twinkletoes. I am fond of the nickname thing, can't wait to come visit and apply more nicknames liberally to baby :)