04 June 2006

Dang, that was false alarm #2

We're still waiting...

We've resorted to firm talking-tos and snide remarks about how bub seems to be chicken, and is missing out on all these cuddles and back strokings from Mummy and Daddy. Coaxing just didn't seem to be having any effect. Guilt tripping is the next tactic, as Daddy approaches having his 2nd-last exam this Saturday and it would be best not to be inconvenienced (but don't tell bub we have the Uni exemption forms all ready just in case).

We're also trying dancing in the lounge room to songs with "Baby" in them, and brisk walks around our neighbourhood.


Anonymous said...

Maybe C-Chan needs to surprise you. Hide behind the door and jump out saying "boo!"

Perhaps baby is trying to get your blog stats up by making your blog-friends check back compulsively?

J said...

I suggest bathing in something warm and oily to help it just slide right out, dangling tim tams from your hem so the smell of chocolate lures it out, having a wild lusty loungeroom shag, getting some rollerskates and performing an impromptu apartment block xanadu production, getting really engrossed in something you absolutely don't want to be interrupted doing (which realistically could be any of the above), and singing lots of nice cheery songs to it. And hey, if it doesn't work, you can eat the tim tams, sell the skates on ebay, keep the Olivia headband (because the 80's are back you know) and at least get a good night's sleep :)