Welcome to the world, Ethan (k.a. E-chan from now on)!!
Born a week ago on Saturday 10 June. We are absolutely delighted with him - he's completely normal (apparently), and only seems to cry when he wants a feed, change, burp, or cuddle.
Here he is leaving the hospital on Thursday, and on his first outing to a cafe on Friday with his mother and Nanna!
There is so much to write about concerning the last week it's not funny... I've so much to post on the things I experienced...
- excruciating pain,
- the biggest high,
- unforseen challenges with birth complications, breastfeeding, and baby being overdue,
- the most undignified probing and invasion of privacy,
- deep gratitude to my family and C-chan's,
- an experience as a private patient in a very well-resourced public hospital
All I can say is thank god we have a normal, gorgeous, happy baby.
More later I hope.
Huge congratulations you guys! He is gorgeous and I'm sure you'll do fantastically. He certainly looks snug as a bug wrapped up with his little face poking out :-)
He is certainly a honey. After a very brief meeting I look forward to seeing you in Alpha Mom mode. Here's to beachside walks with a pram! Perhaps I can pretend to be in the secret mummy club for a spell while setting up the home office. See you in just a couple of weeks.
Welcome to the world, E-chan! You belong to a generation who make their public debut via the internet at a few days old. Unlike your mum and her friends who had to wai t until they were grown up and not cute any more.
We'll have to get you one of these:
Can't wait for another cuddle - I am long overdue! Give him a snuggle from me.
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