16 May 2006

amateur media watch...

I do it for you, honest... Had a bit of a telly fest yesterday, as wasn't feeling up to much.

It seems the latest use for Botox is for that troublesome area - the calves. Yes, having trouble fitting into those sexy knee-high leather boots because of your muscley, well toned calves? Well worry no more. For what I'm sure is only a little bit more money, you can have those boots, and get the Dr to botox your calf muscles to shrink them down a bit.

Also, last night on the national broadcaster, the following appeared:

- 4 corners - story on female naval officer blowing whistle on abuse and bullying in navy
- Enough Rope - interview with rescue expert who worked on Thredbo and Beaconsfield rescues
- Lateline (didn't watch but saw preview) - story about crime in Alice Springs featuring interview with Alice Springs District Prosecutor.

And what do you think showed up on the early Channel 7 News this morning? Bites from all three stories, presented as news. Talk about lazy journalism. Must be cheaper to pay ABC royalties and let your staff stay at home watching telly and taking notes. Is the ABC going to become the only media network that actually sends investigative journalists anywhere to find stories?


Baby update

38 weeks and counting down. 2 more weeks and I'll be at my "due date". 3 more weeks and I'll be overdue and have to consider getting induced (a procedure that would have saved my own life as a baby - I was 10 days late and Mum was about to get induced but went into labour).

Basically, I say, any day now, as baby is fully developed at this stage. Not venturing too far from the house most days. Having Braxton Hicks contractions (ie practice contractions), and pains in lower abdomen daily. All good practice for the shock of the real thing, I hope. Learning to deal with the pain calmly until it washes over.


BSharp said...

ooh, maybe outings are out of the question for us next week. Perhaps some dvd catching up is in order.

Hope you are all ok.

J said...

Maybe I can skive off work early one arvo and watch some dvds too? Cups of tea, all very relaxing. Maybe some monotreme painting??