30 April 2006

Laydee of Leisure

A relief to be free of work for a while - Friday was officially my last day at work until May 2007 (unofficially, was in at work a bit this weekend finishing things off). Am glad to be finishing as I get so tired - walking is harder and slower than usual, and the walk or drive into work has been more exhausting than usual lately. Even had to resort to lying down under desk (for want of a better spot) the other day, as felt all hot and dizzy.

Can now do all those things I want/need to do... take stock of baby clothes stash, prepare spare room for baby, go to the Dr every week (required from week 36/9th month onwards), put some energy into getting a new computer (this one's so slow it's almost not worth having broadband, let alone use it to communicate with far-flung family and friends), organise self somewhat while maintaining some casual scattiness, float in pools, investigate swim-centres where I could be a trainee teacher later in the year (I passed my exam!! yay!!), possibly learn how to make this blog page look a bit less like a template, read, cook interesting new food, go shopping on week days when no one else does, investigate childcare (and possibly apply in case we need it next year, although I have mixed feelings about it), meet people for lunches in town, make birthday cards for nephews etc etc Really, how does anyone have time for full-time work?

Despite having lots of plans for the coming weeks, feeling like a bit of an orphan with my entire family overseas! Over Easter, my parents were in Japan with my brother, and I had a moment of feeling like he must feel every other Easter and Christmas, or indeed any other day he misses having family around. Can't just pick up the phone and chat to my folks like I usually do whenever I feel like it. Presently, parents are roaming around the Brittish Isles, with a tour around Turkey imminent. Mum's coming back early a few days after bub is due, and Dad a few weeks later after hunting down some long-lost cousins, and I can't wait. In the meantime, I'm finding it's a good time to be bonding with my in-laws...


J said...

Fancy city lunch on Thursday?

Anonymous said...

ya - will email you!