08 April 2006

Breakfast aficionado

I'm a bit of a fan of eating breakfast out - a good hearty breakfast prepared for you that would take ages to make and clean up after at home. Coupled with a really decent coffee and/or juice. We have found a few reliable breakfast spots in our suburb or close to the pools we swim at, and regularly treat ourselves to breakfast after a swim or lengthy walk.
This morning we decided to try somewhere new. Bit of a mistake. Waitress pandered to her regular customers (who arrived after us and had their meal before we could even manage to get her to take our order). Then when our meal arrived, it fell short of its promise, seemed reheated instead of fresh (gross), and was drowned in so much maple syrup that even Elvis would have tried to pour some off into his empty coffee cup.
Oh well, you never find new gems if you don't venture off known territory from time to time...

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