28 February 2006

As you get closer to definitely leaving the place you work, your tolerance for it drops exponentially:

T(tol) = t-x + C

T(tol) is tolerance factor,
T is time,
x is the rate of change of tolerance, and,
C is the Contentedness Constant – the starting point of tolerance, which is influenced by a lot of factors, including competence of managers, pay, level of work overloaded, level of annoyingness of work colleagues/clientelle etc etc (covered by another equation all together).

I would draw and paste in a graph but I can't be ar**d. Not certain that I got my exponential factor right there (did I mean it to be 1/x???) and let's face it, I haven't used maths like that since 1995 or possibly earlier.


Pregnant lady = public property???

I had some warning of this from some of the literature I’ve been reading, but at a party on Saturday night, I had my first instance of someone I just met (ie a complete stranger) putting their hand on my pregnant tummy without asking. As it turns out, I was a little bit surprised, but it wasn’t a big deal. Not enough of a big deal to me to say anything to them – and I wasn’t in the mood to deal with the awkward aftermath of someone feeling embarrassed. I just kind of put on a fake smile, coupled with crinkled forehead, that (hopefully) said “well this is an odd thing for you to be doing!”.

For the record – good friends are welcome to touch my belly; anyone else, I wouldn’t mind you just asking first and I’m likely to say yes unless I really took a big disliking to you. It really is just like any other part of the body, even though round and unusually located on my stomach. Kind of like going up and touching a mans’ beer gut but not as squishy. Some women get (rightfully) offended by being touched without being asked, and sometimes we just are tired or have indigestion, are bloated or have overstretched bellies and it’s not the time to be touchy feely.


Anonymous said...

hee hee - your post gave me thoughts of starting a movement whereby women, at random, lay their hands on strange men's beerguts and say "how far along are you?" or "guinness or VB?" or "my aren't you a fat slob who's let himself go?"

-betty sue

Anonymous said...

ooh! That really shows up how odd it is to have such personal things discussed/touched by strangers. However, only offenders so far have been young women or women who have never had children or a close friend who has been pregnant. Most men who I don't know well enough to kiss "hello" on the cheek know there are physical boundaries to touching women... but then I don't get around much...