08 July 2007

Wimpy immune system, get some muscle!!

For some reason, Blogger won't let me type in my post title. Anyhow that's irrelevant.

My immune system and I aren't talking as of now. I have caught my second cold in about a month. My son has had 3 colds since starting child care, which I kind of expected but had perhaps unrealistically hoped he had my Mother's robust constitution, innately. My immune system, which I used to be able to boast would withstand colds that C-chan would succumb to (yeah, go me!), has packed up and gone on holiday somewhere no doubt with palm trees and daily maxima in the high twenties, while I linger on in Sydney's coldest months (which really isn't cold at all, but you acclimatise the longer you live in a place, don't you?). I'm hoping it is getting lots of exercise and rest and staying in a health farm, ready to come back and work for me.

In addition, I have a subcutaneous lump the size of a 10c piece on my right arm right where my dust mite injection was... well injected... 4 days ago. The pollen injection reaction isn't as bad, apparently.



Mermaidgrrrl said...

We're sleeping with a humidifier going in this weather. I'm sure it's stopped us getting full-fledged colds, because a couple of times Seth and I have both had snotty noses but after a night in humid eucalyptus oil air we're all better in the morning! A humidifier is only about $35 so it might be worth trying you poor little monkeys.

meririsa said...

Hmmm - the issue with appliances is not how much they cost but where to store them when we aren't using them... I improvise with creating humidity by drying washing inside near heater, or cooking pasta without fumehood on. We've tried putting our heads over bowls of boiled water and Eucalyptus oil - that's helped C-chan's cold. For mine, postural drainage seems to help my currently rattley lungs - I'm sure you're familiar with that technique being a nurse. Mum used to have us hunched over pillows whilst firmly patting our backs when we had this kind of cold as kids....