23 July 2007

Plug for food additives intolerance lobby group

The Fed Up With Food Additives site is the only lobby group I know lobbying for food companies and regulators to reduce the amount of additives to food. When a food company changes the ingredients of their product so that it includes a nasty additive, they write to them and request a re-think. They help people by recommending an elimination diet to determine if you have food/additive intolerances: you remove all problematic food additives, and also certain natural foods from your diet for 3-6 weeks and have a diet from blandville. Then gradually, you test your system by adding things one at a time.

I can't say for sure that the science in their fact sheets is ridgey didge, but a lot of people have a wide range of symptoms, try everything over the years (regular doctors and pharmaceuticals, chinese medicine, naturopathy, aromatherapy, avoiding dairy etc etc), find they don't get better, but find this diet helps them. I also know for a fact that we eat a lot more processed food than we used to, AND on top of that, the powerful and rich food industry has managed to get a lot of preservatives/colours/flavour enhancers introduced via the food authorities in the past 50 years. That's just over a generation in our long evolution of bombarding our systems with things we didn't use to, just so things can last longer on the shelves, be brighter-coloured, or be morishly tastier so you want to go back for more. I also suspect that the food authorities, like many areas of science in this country, don't have much of a budget for independent research, so rely on food industry money - so you can guess at how independent research on food additives is.

So next time you are about to buy something with a use-by date of a year in the future, or a lime drink that uses blue and yellow food dye to achieve an unrealistic bright green colour, think twice about what is going into your body...

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