05 July 2007

who knows where the tiiiiime goes??**

Life is ticking along, with lots to do, people to see and time to sit down and write posts are rare. Work is still going OK, but working part time is always hectic. I think I'm more efficient that I ever used to be. Boss is still OK, even though I hear occasionally about things that others don't like about her. I understand their points, but I reckon I've had or seen worse over the years. I enjoy working with someone who communicates in a straightforward way. I'd rather be given rapid feedback (I'm a big girl, I can take it) than never know where I stand because my boss's only response is "that's good" whilst doodling on their notepad. And I think it is a BIG plus that she is understanding about being a parent due to having had 3 of her own and recently become a grandma of a girl a few months older than E-chan.

Speaking of babies, another friend, who worked with me in the fruit, nut and vege days, has discovered she is pregnant (yay!), which is lovely news, and 2 ladies at work told me on a tipsy ladies night out that they are trying to conceive (TTC) or thinking about it soon. Ahh baby booms. I still maintain that it has little to do with our Treasurers' baby bonus. My statistitian friend in Canberra may know better if she's ever had a look at birth data, but I reckon the baby boom can be explained simply by the fact that a majority of the baby boomer's kids (ie our generation) are reaching their 30's and some level of financial stability at the same time.

E-chan is standing up all the time - I just took him to the park this morning, and he crawled everywhere and climbed up to a stand. He can stay standing for 5 or so minutes at a time, has discovered the video, and is getting over his fear of the vacuum cleaner*. Brave Boy!

I've had 2 weeks of dustmite and grass pollen injections. First week was fine, this week was a doubled dose (it increases each time), and I had quite itchy arms all day yesterday. BUT I resisted scratching. 13 to go, then monthly maintenance doses for a year or two.

And finally, C-chan gets admitted as a Solicitor tomorrow (nothing to do with prostitution, I assure you). Due to the big anticlimactic back injury around his graduation day last year, we are making a bit of a fuss this time. His folks are coming to stay for a few days (yay, baby sitters!), and we may even take E-chan out to dinner or a late lunch somewhere. C-chan has been ultracareful with his back, even though we've had a sick baby who's required lots of extra bending and picking up in the middle of the night, and he has been religiously going along to his pilates session every week.

* some might say that it has something to do with the fact that we rarely vacuum. I actually think it has more to do with... the noise... er herm!

** Judy Collins? I'll have to check our daggy vinyl collection to see if I'm right. By the way I'm not copying Seagreen by title-ing posts with song lyrics. I've always done that, and it's my fallback for when I'm too lazy to think up something of my own.

1 comment:

J said...

Wow things are cruising along at your place! yah to the new job settling, Echan standing, Cchan lawyering, you dust mite-overcoming quadfecta!

**And sshhhh - don't let up that it's the easy way out for blog titles, I maintain that it's highly witty and, err, clever. Don't blow my cover.