31 May 2007

keeping me on my toes...

Ho hum, here we are with E-chan at almost 1 year old, and just as we were getting accustomed to him having 2 naps a day (ah! 2 chances to slow down and take a breath during the day...) and he starts transitioning to 1 nap a day! Naps have been all over the place, and I've been running around like a madwoman on my days off work, trying to work out when to try to settle him, when to feed him, when to give a bottle. So now we are aiming for 2, but if he doesn't get to sleep until late, I whisk out an early lunch, shove it down the gullet as quickly as possible, and let him sleep long in the middle of the day. We are ever hopeful for a late afternoon nap, but they don't seem to happen any more.

On top of this, there have been childcare settling/new people/new places things for him to get used to - he's decided "I like the way they settle me there, thanks!", and poor Mum and Dad have had to adjust to that! AND, he's decided he wants to awake with us as much as possible when he isn't at childcare (very sweet, and reciprocal of course), but unhelpful for putting him to bed at night time. There are some toddler like tantrummy things starting to happen, which ain't pretty.

All this has lead to me having to upgrade to a new, hyper-efficient version of myself. Yesterday, for e.g., I managed to do an hour of work and make E-chan lunch while he napped, and eat lunch myself. Every little window of opportunity is taken up with doing little things. Yesterday I felt like I'd crammed more into my day than I had in ages. No wonder I've lost a few kilos (and of course this would be a few weeks after I bought some new jeans - I've hot washed them once and they didn't shrink, darnit!!).

E-chan is now regularly moving around greater distances than the few metres he used to venture before, and opening up cupboards and drawers and pulling things out! Time to baby proof!! 2-3 times a day, I tidy the floor up - blocks, trucks, toy monkeys, and maracas etc strewn all over the place - put everything back in place so we can walk around with up tripping up on things, only to have them all pulled out again later. Seems a bit pointless, but not doing this leads to things getting lost, people tripping up over things, and there not being a clear path to wheel the pram out the door, so it must be done.

Might make myself a coffee and tidy up now... ciao for now!

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