06 April 2007

Help! Our son has a banana problem...

It started with a fondness for banana. This gradually became a strong preference to banana over any other fruit. We tried to distract him, give him a taste for a wide variety of fruits, and mix his diet up a bit. Porridge without banana would result in long, tiresome breakfasts, whereby each spoonful would have to be coaxed down the hatch, with many silly faces and other entertainment put on by whomever was feeding him. So for a while, we decided we'd be permissive about banana habit. Maybe it would lose its novelty if we didn't make a big deal about it?
Then this morning, we tried to feed him porridge with apple and peach. It was awful! Tears, tantrums and screaming!! Clear withdrawal symptoms. He wouldn't eat another spoonful until a small wedge of banana had been mashed up and mixed in. We realised at this point that our son has a banana problem. We are destraught! What would we do if there was another banana shortage, sending banana prices skyrocketing? Would we have to turn to a life of crime? Does anyone know of a good banana detox clinic?

1 comment:

J said...

Oh that's so funny. Maybe it's those monkey genes we all have, maybe a love of bannannas is hardwired.