05 April 2007

Crumbley deliciousness

Fruit with Crumble Topping

This comes courtesy of Stephanie Alexander's Cooks Companion. It's great, because it's healthy, does 6 serves (ie all week for 2 people!), and has a bit of zing.

Stew some fruit. Roughly 4 large apples, or 3 apples and a couple of peaches or apricots does this recipe. (We stew a bit extra and put some aside for us and E-chan to eat with yoghurt or breakfast).

100g (just over 1/2 cup) brown sugar
1 tspn baking powder
1 1/2 teaspoons ground ginger
60g unsalted butter
150g (just over 1 cup) plain flour
2 cups drained poached fruit

Mix sugar, baking powder and ground ginger. Crumble butter into flour with fingers until pea sized pieces form, then mix wtih sugar mixture. Spoon fruit into 1L ovenproof dish and pour topping over it. Bake at 180deg until topping is golden brown and bubbling at the edge.

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