24 April 2007

Cabin fever

Today, the rain is pouring down. My windows also look like the cabin window of a boat out at sea, just like BSharp observed out her windows the other day, except, the sea is a long, long way from my window. You can just see the sea (oh deary me, that's as far as can be)*. You can actually see the massive crains out at Botany Bay, but they look more like giraffes than cranes from this distance. Actually, you can't see them today, as it's too rainiy and misty. Maybe the giraffes will come out of the mist later, and the clouds will hopefully lift and we can go for a walk and get some fresh air.

E-chan is snuggled up in his sleeping bag in his cot. Babies have it good, if you ask me. He still doesn't crawl, but he can roll pretty much everywhere.He's just worked how to do a bit of his own sign language - he thumps his tummy or points to the kitchen when he's hungry. He points at the bedroom when he wants to go to bed!! He points at whomever he wants a cuddle from!! He waves hello and goodbye. He points at his water bottle when he wants a drink. He points at the bookshelves when he wants to be read to. He points at things and goes "Da!?" which I think means "What's that?", and I name it for him. Once he knows something, you can ask him where it is, and he'll point to it. What's my point? I'm really just boasting, but I suppose understanding what he wants is only going to get easier from now on.

So why aren't I in bed too, snuggled up reading? I'd love to be, but have less than 2 weeks left until I start work! And E-chan starts child care next week! (Of course there are huge conflicting emotions going on in the background here, but I don't want to talk about that). Anyhow, I have stuff to get done, none of it interesting, which is why I'm blogging instead.

Before I go, a big "hello" to Mermaidgrrrl and Little Mister, who are expecting their own bundle of joy any day now!! Enjoy the ride!! And welcome to the world, little Phoebe, who was born to my friends A & D nearly 2 weeks ago.

*yes, I've been reading Dr Seuss again

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