My baby boy has big blue eyes - I know this not only from looking, but because I am told it at least once a day... (Excuse the dribble to the right of his mouth - he can't help it, as he isn't likely to work out that he needs to swallow saliva for a year or so yet...)
One nice thing is that the other day, I got at least 5 similar comments from YOUNG MEN! Usually it's the grandparents, women of childbearing age or fathers who acknowledge babies. I was tempted to reply "What, getting clucky!?", but didn't want to freak their girlfriends out.
Also interesting is that yesterday I saw the lead singer/keyboard player of a well known band pushing a pram (with baby in it) into a hi fi store.
Also, found this show on Thursday fascinating. Food for thought anyway.
What's my point? I dunno. Do I need one? I think today I prefer to have a theme.
Yes, themed posts are the new black.
And -are you sure you didn't photoshop that photo?!! Yes, those are definitely a very big pair of peepers. You could make loads hiring E-chan out to do futuristic ads. Or Album covers. That wouldn't be child exploitation, of course, it would be *art*. Cheers love,
He is bewdiful! Cluck cluck cluck :)
Which band??
And points are overrated - I often fail to have one and still feel happy !
Ha ha. Bee - you should see the dreadful child "talent Management Agency" advertisements that are on the television in the morning. Put you off ever having a professional shot taken for life.
J - a band named after a certain ex Prime Minister (not a huge fan myself).
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