Just as I was about to give E-chan his "dinner", a beautiful sunset started, not unlike the one below (but more cloud in the sky tonight). I took E-chan out on the balcony and showed it to him - never too young to appreciate a good sunset, I say. He was all quiet and snuggly in his pyjamas, little eyes looking over my shoulder at the view, warm little fluffy head pressed against my cheek.

Then during his feed as I sat in the rocking chair in his room with the blinds open, the window perfectly framed the sunset, which by now had taken over the whole sky and was a rich orange colour. It was one of those moments.... Beautiful baby quietly feeding on my lap, darkening room, gently rocking back and forth in the chair. Staring at a breathtaking sunset that seemed to be static. But every now and again I'd look down to E-chan, and when I looked up again, the sky would have changed to a deeper, more fiery orange... the concentration of colour would have moved closer to the horizon... the grey of the clouds would be encroaching downwards from above... the light would be hitting different surfaces in the near distance. Stare for a bit and everything seems to be static again. Look down at baby, look up again, and the sunset had changed again. Again and again until baby is almost asleep, eyes half closed with a contented half smile, his breaths slowing to a sleepy rate, and there is only a small smudge of red light left in the sky radiating from a point on the horizon in the west...
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