23 June 2004

Country towns - seen one, seen....?

Hi folks, from the sunny plains of Narrabri, NSW!!

The land of gently sloping cotton and wheat plains and distant purple mounts on the horizon. The land of: wide country streets with roundabouts that semi-trailers negotiate on their way to somewhere else; 90 degree, on-street parking; roadkill - victims of poor road visibility at dusk; limited lunching outlets; one each of burger and fried chicken outlet; a "nice restaurant" attached to the RSL that serves steaks drowned in sauce; and a brand spanking new community centre that everyone raves about "Really - that place has been the best thing that has happened to this town in a long time!!".

Not much happening here to report outside work - I say this not at all intending to insult anyone living here, who I'm sure are busy with their own lives in many different ways. Didn't want to approach anyone at the motel I stayed at last night (mostly men travelling in pairs from probably Tamworth or Dubbo, staying here on rural-type business), but most people nod and say hello in that friendly country way. Instead, I have finished the latest Gibson novel - which I really enjoyed by the way - and indulged in the pay tv movie and documentary channels available in the motel.

Flights here are limited, meaning I have no option but to touch down in Sydney at 9:30pm, and eat those wierd not quite meals that airlines serve these days (ie cheese, crackers, dip followed up by a mint!!)

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