17 June 2004

Working with cowboys...

If only that meant we all wear hats, cowboy boots and practiced our lasso throwing all day...

Well I certainly have my work cut out for me at (not so) new job. I know I am being a little impatient with the team-bonding thing - my last work place was so good like that... Mates I could lunch with, and all of us united by a cause. This place is more... challenging. Loyalties are all over the place, largely due to the fact that a multitude of sources pay their salary on 3 or less year contracts.

Decisions are made on the spur of the moment to blurt out difficult news to someone just so that it can be off someone else's chest, rather than thinking over the long term implications of what and how one could say things. Business decisions that turn out to be not in our favour are taken personally - as if we are a charity that people should throw $ at, rather than a place that should be equally as concerned with the commercial outcomes of what it is doing as a potential investor would be.

A few set backs this week, I suppose. A few dents in what seems to be an obstinate positive attitude: that rural research is important for the nation to make rural living both sustainable and viable; so that fresh food is available to the nation without having to rely on energy-expensive imports; that scientists can learn to see things outside of their immediate tunnel of vision.


On a related but different note: funny thing, relationship dynamics. C-chan finished exams the day before yesterday (yay!). I have been trying to make his miserable life of full time work and exam revision better, helping out where and when I can. He finishes exam and then *BAM* - my difficult week starts. I know that I handled things better when I was putting on a brave face, so to speak. As soon as there is an audience to vent to, I vent, and a melodrama starts! Interesting implications for long term, household harmony. Interesting implications for someone who thought she had grown up more than that!

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