31 May 2004

Sunday's shoe binge....

On the weekend, I bought 3 pairs of new shoes. I don't want you to get the wrong idea here (as I could tell shop assistants were when they looked at my full up shopping bags). This is not a habit - rather, I go for a couple of fashion seasons with no luck, so when there are suitable shoes around, I go to town for a half day and buy up big. It would be a binge if I was doing it to excess, but in the long scheme of things, I have a smaller than average sized shoe collection for a chick.
Thanks to bsharp for all her assistance in this matter!! Hope your new boots serve you well also. I usually test the patience of everyone I shoe shop with (ask my Mister), but yesterday seemed to be a breeze, and I only commented once to a shop assistant about how annoying it is that they can never order in more size 7's, which is my size and is always sold out first. Next shoe shopping effort will focus entirely on mens shoes, as C-chan has a male version of my not being able to find the right shoe problem, and sadly, men's shoes options are even more limited. Just another thing we have in common.... :)
After a full half day of shopping, what could be better than catching some friends who came up for a short trip from the nation's capital? Lovely to see them and their gorgeous crawling bub, that seemed to take more of a liking to me this time (phew). I'll store the superwoman flying trick in the back of my brain for next time I encounter an 8-month old.
Got home to a roasting dinner, put together by someone who had had his nose in books all day, but still managed to think that I might like to watch the new ABC-7:30pm-Sunday time slot show on the 7 wonders of the industrialised world, and started taping it for me (Good on him, as my Auntie would say). Life is good to me!

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