24 January 2008

Vacuous activities...

A bit of my time lately has been spent admiring amazonian tennis players slog it out at the Australian open, wondering why nikee gave Venus a short suit that she constantly had to de-wedgify from her muscular buttocks (I mean if you're going to sponsor an athlete, shouldn't you at least ensure you have an outfit that covers her 6ft warrior-woman frame properly?), and new-ish Serbian players who nearly beat Roger Federer wearing funky horn-rimmed wrap around glasses! That sporty-librarian look is a killer!!

On top of that we've had ever expanding vocabularies, cheekiness and bossiness from E-chan, and week-long visits from grandparents who have simultaneously been welcome and making our house seem a bit too full. And we've had to restrain them from going in to give E-chan cuddles when he calls out repeatedly at bed-time, which is instinctively what you want to do but counterproductive to establishing long-term routines. But who can really complain when they help with the washing up, book reading, shopping and cooking?

But we are looking forward to getting back into our own routine. In case you haven't picked this up, parenting has quite a bit to do with routines. Which is fine so long as you know which routines you can break and how frequently to break them without creating different expectations.


Might go read my book, and keep and eye on the tennis!

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