16 August 2007

Giving me the knits!

Thanks a lot*, Seagreen... you got me hooked on knitting again after a 20 year hiatus! All I did was comment on how mobile a craft it was compared to beading or sewing, and a weekend visit to her place resulted in a lend of some needles, spare wool, a book on how to make soft toys from simple squares, and a quick lesson on how to cast on, and I'M HOOKED!

(above - blurry image, but not bad knitting for someone who hasn't knitted since Grandma came to stay and taught me around 20 years ago...? I don't seem to be able to cast on very evenly, but am getting there...)

Anyway, since Sunday, have knitted the head plus three body segments of what will hopefully become a snake!! Very soothing occupation for those moments where you want to sit, chat, maybe listen to music or the telly but be productive at the same time!

* no really - thanks!


alison said...

hehehhe - welcome to the club.

J said...

Yihah! Nice work MR! Can't wait to see the slithery snakey :)