23 March 2006

Visitors from abroad and possibly some cravings...

Until now, I have denied having cravings of any kind during my pregnancy (and not just to be different - I really haven't craved anything more than what I consider to be normal eating behaviour for me). I will confess to eating ice cream (good for the indigestion), but the pickles have been untouched in the fridge since we used them in an antipasto platter before christmas. But today there have been some hankerings that I have felt more strongly than the normal urges... Crepes with lemon and sugar (mmm!), and beer. I've had the odd sip of C-chan's beer from time to time lately, and the taste has been so good. I possess enough self control, it seems, to not drink more than a sip. I should say at this point that chocolate hazelnut spread (you know the brand) is EVIL evil stuff, and should not be bought even if packaged with attractive free fridge magnet on lid.

Crepes with lemon and sugar
4 Oz plain flour (just < 1 cup)
1 egg
300mL milk

Mix into batter and leave for an hour. Cook in fry pan greased with butter (mixture should be poured in and spread around pan quickly by tilting it). When edges are beginning to get crispy, flip and cook other side for a short while. Serve hot with a good squeeze of lemon juice and a sprinkling of sugar, then roll up and eat!!

Easy peasy. This mixture will serve 2 not very hungry adults for breakfast, or give 4 people 1.5-2 pancakes each for dessert (this was a dessert we had frequently when I was a kid). Crepes could also be served with maple syrup, blueberries cooked up in light sugar and lemon syrup, or even savoury style, filled with cheesy chicken casseroley filling for example.


We just said good bye to some visitors from abroad yesterday - the Japanese exchange student who stayed with me in 1990 while at high school, and her Norwegian parter and 2 year old. They have just spent 18 months in Norway, and visited us on their way back to Japan. Their little boy doesn't say much compared to other 2-year-olds I've met, and I don't blame him... I'd wanna sit back and not say much too if my parents switched freely between Norwegian, Japanese and sometimes English (at least while in Australia). But at the same time, I'm jealous of these multilingual kidlings I know around the world, growing up with fluency in more than one language. All I can do is play language CD's borrowed from the library and hope it sinks in.

Had 30 week check up at the hospital on Thursday. All is reassuringly normal: blood pressure: normal, position of baby: normal, baby activity: normal, size of me: normal. 3/4 of the way there... Most of the large items that we need for first 5-6 months of baby's life taken care of, except a suitable thing to bath it in (laundry sink too hard to access whilst holding a baby). Now just need to buy some little things... Nappies, muslin wraps, rugs, more bibs and a few clothing basics, possibly some baby products of various kinds (thanks to Seagreen's Mum, I have a whole suitcase of bub clothes that will fit in first year of bub's life!! Thanks Seagreen's Mum, and Seagreen, can you send me her address?)

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