11 March 2006

Happy women's day

Happy international women's day, all. (it was 8th March). If you get a chance before it's taken offline, go here to listen to the podcast/mp3 of the 8/3/06 edition of late night live on Radio National. Interesting discussion on women & equality in society and government in the UK.

Me, I spent my IWD taking a day off from work, going to the Dr's to drink sickly solutions and then getting my blood sampled for glucose tolerance (ie my routine test for gestational diabetes), and checking out the range of baby goods and storage options at various stores.

This week at prenatal course, we covered breastfeeding (very cute to watch video of newborns latching on!!), then had a tour of the labour ward. My hospital has a very recently done up mothers and babies ward (I'm so lucky to live so close to this facility). Each delivery suite has a sofa bed for support person to crash out on if need be, and an ensuite with a bath!! There is a slight risk I'll get transferred to another hospital, because there seems to be a baby boom going on, and some days recently, the labour ward has been full. Seems my persuit to be average is going well - I'm exactly the average age Australian women are giving birth, every famous woman I could possibly think of seems to be pregnant (even one of the Hilton sisters is rumoured to be pregnant? or so I read in a gossip mag in the Dr's waiting rooms). Feel a little upstaged when I should be feeling special!!*

One of the farmers I'm working with at present greets we with "how are you both?!" each time I seem him. Very funny! Bosses finally met this week to discuss advertising a replacement for when I am away on mat leave. About bloody time. 1.5 more months of work to go... (thank god)

*don't worry, am overdramatising this whole sitution for something to write


J said...

Happy IWD to you too (or you two??!) dear! :) Hospital sounds great - very comfortable.

Hey maybe in some bizarre sci fi world all those celebs are in Doctors waiting rooms reading mags with stories about unfamous people in them - and following the gossip about your pregnancy!!

Anonymous said...

Paris says, "I want a little flat in Stanmore and a public hospital". And she secrety fantasizes about giving up her micro-g bikinis for a sensible speedo 1-piece and becoming a swimming teacher.