22 January 2006

yay - reusable nappies...

My cousin uses these hemp cloth reusable nappies (Bubble Bubs) for her baby. I saw first-hand how easy they are to change, how comfortable they are, and how cute they look. Haven't done the sums yet, but assume they are cheaper than disposable nappies, as she chose the nappies for financial reasons more so than environmental. They can be re-used for Jr #2 or a friends' baby.

Basically, cloth nappies have come a long way in the past 30 years, have a lot of the features of disposable types, and are definitely cheaper but obviously there is more work involved. But when you think about it, washing and drying needn't take long necessarily. In many Australian climates, you are able to air/line dry them without having to use an electric dryer. That only leaves the evils of landfill (disposables) vs the evils of detergent pollution, possibly extra water and power usage (but I don't know how much water or power or bleach is used to produce each disposable nappy).

Other sites include:
All about cloth nappies - tells you how to wash them, mother's accounts of their findings etc
Cleverpants - another brand made in Australia, but not necessarily hemp.

1 comment:

J said...

Great idea! These are similar to the rad pads but bigger (derrr, obviously) and more waterproof by the looks of things. How fun picking out the colours and pics. Those are nappies you'd be happy to show off to the world on a hot day!