17 June 2005

Random late night thoughts

I'm up late for a school night. Don't want to risk going to bed and lying awake for hours thinking about stuff I'd rather not, as my brain is ticking over. My feet are freezing, but I'm too lazy to get up and put some socks on. When rubbing foot to try to warm it up, noticed my big toe is a bit hairy, but this has never bothered me before.

It's good having my C-chan off the study books for a while, and to see smiley corners of mouth sneaking up more often : ) He cooked a massive chocolate cake from my hippy wholefood cafe cookbook, and we've been taking it along for lunch every day since. Need to pencil in a note that if not cooking cake for an actual cafe, half the quantity is plenty.

As my friends each notch up their 30 years, and mine approaches, I realise I'm missing my friends who are scattered around the nation (or soon will be missing for those not yet dispersed... you know who you are...) - happy birthday to NT's roving reporter, and hello to: Ms Antarctic cyanobacterian expert; the freelance contracter commuting far across the not-so-emerald city; and my highly qualified friend Dr Lunchbox, who is no doubt taking the govt service by storm in the nation's capital (and these are just the ones I remember I've sent this link to and I'm hoping read this from time to time - not meaning to leave anyone off). Any chance people can visit me in Synney later on in the year?

Getting sleepy - perhaps now is the time to go and sleep and think deeper and randomer thoughts, brought to me by my sub-conscious? It's been a while since I've had a good, revealing dream, I've realised. I think it's possibly time I was challenged by something different...? Or perhaps that I'm quite challenged enough* thankyou very much and my brain is so knackered at the end of the day that it sleeps with only one goal - giving me a break. Both valid theories. But which is right?? Probably the former.

Good night, sleep tight.

*A new type of "challenged" - not "mentally challenged", "vertically challenged" etc, but "challenged enough".

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