17 June 2010

Venting the little annoyances of life

You know your life is privileged when your list of life's little irritations cover such trivial issues in the big scheme of things. However, if we don't vent them from time to time, we risk going bonkers. Here's a list of things that drive me up the wall... how about you?
  1. People who stand still on the escalators and block your way past - the escalator is a means to speed your way up a level, not a sideshow ride!!
  2. Shop assistants, when giving you your change, putting the coins ON TOP OF THE NOTES! Really, how hard is it to put the coins in your hand first, followed by the notes? Maybe I'm just unco, but I find the coins slip off our plastic note currency if placed on top, and have dropped them countless times.
  3. Drunks/teenagers breaking empty bottles of alcohol on the footpath. OK, I know they're drunk, but are they so disconnected from people who ride bikes and push prams that they don't realise they are creating a danger to young kids and pneumatic tyres?
  4. Girls like colours other than pink too! Do you hear that, department stores? And I don't just mean purple...
  5. LED down light sellers - do I really need to get an electrician to change over my high energy usage halogen down lights to an LED alternative, or can someone somewhere just tell us how to do it ourselves and which globes to buy?
  6. Those voice-overs the commercial TV networks do over their Drama promos. You know - they put on this creepy (yet ocker) voice, almost a whisper... "And in this weeks' episode of _____ Bill has his work cut out for him.... but you'll never guess what Nancy has planned next!". I want to know WHO DECIDED THAT WAS A GOOD IDEA? Why can't they talk normally?
  7. SATC II: am I the only female not getting a posse of my girlfriends together to see this movie? Yeah - power to them for covering topics supposedly of interest to and from the perspective of females, vacuous and superficial as they are... Am I the only female who's watched a few episodes of this show and decided it's not really that interesting? I'd rather watch "Anne of Green Gables". (Love me, don't judge me!)


alison said...

I have never seen a single episode of SATC despite supposedly being the defining show of my generation. Even so, I enjoyed this review of the movie:http://www.thestranger.com/seattle/burkas-and-birkins/Content?oid=4132715

About the lights - you need to change over the ballast, not just the globes (because LEDs generally use a lower voltage than halogens) so you will need to get a licened electrician (because they'll need to turn the power off, and technically you're not allowed to do that yourself).

meririsa said...

Thanks, Alison - I feel much better, and the linked article was funny! Helen Razer also ranted about how bad the movie was on her Bad Hostess site, but this one was a bit more succint!

Thanks for the LED tips. It's really hard to find info - sometimes you want to know WHY you need an electrician. Coincidentally, I met an electrician socially (ie a dad at Playgroup) just the other day, and he said to wait another year or so, as a lot of govt depts will get their lights changed over soon, and more electricians will be familiar with LED's plus it will bring the price of bulbs down further.

BSharp said...

Nice blog makeover! Yeh, I'm totally over SATC, falls well into the category of '1st world problems'. And that Mr Big is an a**hole!

That tap dancing post was funny :)

meririsa said...

Oh, Mr Big. Ugh! Never understood that. Yes - 1st world problems, exactly. Completely without an humorous take on these "problems". It was driving me mad the other week when one Schmacebook contact after another announced "can't wait to go see SATC tonight!!". But not a single one mentioned anything about it being fun afterwards. Enough said!

Glad you like the new look. Blogger have some new templates...

J said...

ooh hello! I like the blog too! Nice flower graphic. I like SATC and even watched and enjoyed the first movie over a cup of tea in one rat arsed hotel room I was in for work. I like it because, yes, although all they talk about is kind of shoes and bonking, at least it's about women, and about friendship. And as far as vacuous goes - every blockbuster with a car chase in it is vacuous as far as I'm concerned, but you don't see people getting their knickers in a twist because men are watching something vacuous. We just kind of assume they will. (Did I say that out loud?). I could go on. BUT that said, I have no intention of seeing this movie as I have heard it's crap.

Hmm, petty gripes? I like your list. I have many, so would add:
- being charged $3 ($3!!! outrageous) for a takeaway cup of instant coffee at a beach side kiosk. I don't know, that just seems wrong.
- ingrown hairs - you go and wax and look what happens. It hardly seems fair.
- people who sit next to me on public transport when there are double seats free just up the back a bit (I know I know they are probably infirm and need that seat)
- iphones that go off at night
- washing stuck on the line all week

meririsa said...

Yes we are starved of female-centred movies that aren't rom-coms - that is no doubt why so many of us have embraced SATC. Many love the series but have to concede the movies tanked.
I found the characters in the TV series trite, stupid, fluffy. Not my type of show. However, happy to find females with more complex lives being portrayed in many series (True Blood, Medium, and Hung - a suprise we stumbled across on late night TV the other night). All I need is a SATC that isn't so focussed on fashion, and with some decent female writers...

J said...

I find United States of Tara has interesting female leads, and the kids are kind of cool in their gender roles/ gender politics. The series seems to be paused at the oment but hopefully back on soon.