05 June 2010

Back atcher, babe!

Things my son has said to us recently (and his tone and choice of words sound eerily familiar...):
  1.  "Sometimes you just have to let me have some biscuits/watch one more show/stay up later!"
  2.   Us:  Why do you have to talk ALL the time?
      Him:  Because I do!
  3.  "Astrid, you have to let Mummy cut your fingernails, otherwise they will grow in and hurt!!"
  4.  "Mummy, if I leave the light on in the toilet, you have to leave it on for me for next time!"
I have to confess that the unsatisfactory answers to his questions, along the lines of "Because we said so!" are creeping into our repertoire, just because of the sheer volume of questions asked about everything under the sun and beyond!

No human being is capable of devoting all their childs' waking hours to giving entirely satisfactory, age appropriate answers to every question... especially when you have a son such as ours who talks constantly, and half of that time is asking questions, even when he knows the answer.

This is tough, because I really do want my son to learn and feel important, and when I can, I give careful, considered answers to his questions. But the rest of the time, I have other stuff going on in my head (you know, minor stuff like keeping the household going, looking after a baby and all that it entails), and for short pockets of time, I might actually be having a thought that doesn't involve anyone else's life or ideas but my own!

Oh the compromises you have to make!

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