21 March 2008

Cool things about 21-month-olds

- They understand much of what you say to them, can say "please"

- will help out around the house willingly if you ask (and sometimes just to copy what you are doing).

- can communicate their basic needs

- hilarious misunderstandings as you try to understand what they are saying - at times these are long babble sentences said with inflections, accompanied by a furrowed brow, pointing and a question mark at the end of it, to which you can only answer "uh huh?"

- big koala round-the-neck snuggles

- stumbly but enthusiastic running in the park

- the challenge of working out their logic

- love being chased around and giggles maniacally

- have a favourite bed time song (currently Morningtown Ride) and yawn and rub their eyes as you get part way through

- obsessions with planes, trains, cars and buses
- they start to make friends, and mention them at home when they see something that reminds them

- loves cheesy classics such as: La Cucaracha, Popcorn, the Chipmunks, Baby Elephant Walk, and Puff the Magic Dragon, and dances like a lunatic!!

- they call out "Mama!" when you've been in the other room for a while, when they're ready to get up in the morning, or sometimes when they're just happy!

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