27 March 2007

Lucky, he's wearing his brown trousers...

Gastro and babies is not a good mix. His poor, little, read, freqently wiped bum! My poor, frequently washed, sore, cracked hands! Poor carpet. By the way, has anyone actually got any experience with using Bicarb of Soda as a carpet cleaner? All the instructions I can get my hands on are a bit vague. I've used it twice (wanting to avoid chemicals), but ended up with a bit of crusting on the carpet. It will break down with time and walking on it, but maybe I'm doing something wrong?

Besides that, we've been busy beavering away. C-chan is getting used to his new job gradually, we're getting used to being home without him, I'm applying for jobs, and E-chan is still thinking about crawling, but not crawling. He's starting to feed himself bits of bread, but every now and then, he hands it over to me as if to say "here, you do it, you're better at it than me!!". He knows his own limitations, it seems!

We moved around furniture on the weekend - not very smartly we chose one of the hottest days in March. It started with us being uneasy with our tall bookshelves in the dining area - we had visions of E-chan crawling and climbing on it, and it falling over on top of him. Although it is heavy and would take some strength to make it move, we still thought he'd have a great time pulling out books from the shelves and probably chewing on them. So we moved them into our bedroom, moved a cupboard out of E-chan's room, and moved the toy/blanket box out of the the living room and into his room, and some crates from out room into the living room. Furniture round robin. The result is better all round. Now we just need to decorate the plastic crates. Somehow, everything looks roomier.

Now we just have to sort through the mountains of clothes E-chan has grown out of, and work out who to send them to, which ones to keep for possible Junior #2 (no immediate plans for this), and where to store them... Babies go through 4 sizes in their first year of life.

Oh, and I have applied for 2 jobs now. Just have to wait to hear if I get an interview... "Think positive vibes!" I can hear my mother reminding me...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

re bicarb - i have used it mixed with vinegar for spot cleaning. it seems to work ok - you brush off the dried stuff and vaccuum it up. soapy water also works. Also tried larger scale use of bicarb but wouldn't recommend it as i think it killed the vacuum cleaner!