13 March 2007

Livin la vida housewife*

So here I am living the housewife life. But not very successfully if you go by my experience last Wednesday. Had visit from North Shore friend/ex-colleague and her bub - we met and had lunch, and I spontaneously invited her back to my house afterwards for a bit until she had to catch her train. However, had forgotten that we hadn't vacuumed or tidied for a while (not for want of trying). Nor had we cleaned toilet. Realised with horror how bad the place looked when we arrived there, with a trail of toys and piles of junk everywhere.

Not something I usually care about remotely when other close/mum friends come over, but this friend is the sort of person I feel I need to show that I have everything "under control". It's just like that with some people. You know the type - never leaves the house without looking smart and wearing make-up, and their house is always spotless. Felt like those archetypal television commercial Mums who have panic attacks about their house not being clean. (And I can honestly say this is the first time I have ever felt ashamed about our mess). It was clean and tidier a few days later, just not when she visited! Oh well.

Also, am pretty sure that every time I see this friend, we part ways and have an acute case of lifestyle anti-envy. I leave her North Shore house with 1/4 acre block and think "Well it would be nice to have a garden and house, but thank god my nearest shop isn't 2.5 km away with train station even further away and I'm not reliant on my car to go everywhere, and I have hundreds of mums to run into when out and about, and lots of parks, shops and cafes to visit, and it only takes 30 minutes to commute to the city!". I have almost no doubt that she leaves my place thinking "Well it would be nice to live so close to everything, but thank god I don't live in that cramped little 2 b.r. unit with no garden or dishwasher in a suburb where real estate is really expensive whether you rent or buy!".

* apparently "housewife" is Spanish for housewife!

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