08 August 2005

The diverse happenings of the past week...

From Tupperwear (sic) parties, to strange dreams about pet monkeys, to vocabulary I never knew my father had...

Yes folks, always one for new experiences, I went to a Tupperwear (sic) party. Sort of situation where you're not quite sure if you are really getting a bargain, you kind of feel obliged to buy because you're face to face with the saleswoman (who is full of handy storage ideas including removing EVERYTHING out of the packets you bought them in and placing them in a stackable container with a lid and a little labelling sticker!), unless you are able to export your brain outside of your friend's living room far enough to remember that other brands of plastic ware are 1/3 the price at your supermarket, never wear out either, and that you never had the need for containers that you can freeze, heat in the microwave, then pop in the dishwasher.

Last night I dreamed I had a pet monkey that I had not spent enough time with, so it was naughty and behaved unpredictably. I started spending more time training it to behave, and gradually started to notice its behaviour changing to a more adorable, manageable pet. Last night was very "dreamful", with this just being one of 4 "storylines" that I remember dreaming about, including: a project to booby trap a door, my parents splitting up & my father not taking it well while my mother just got on with life, me going shopping in an arcade then returning after hours when noone else was there. I think the vivid dreams must be something to do with coming off cold and flu tablets???

My father shocked me a bit when telling me about some research he has been conducting into his mother's family history and extended family. He mentioned that my Granny's stepmother (who verged on being an evil stepmother) might have been "you know, a bit of a loose woman" who married my Granny's father under false pretenses!!! Never knew that phrase could come out of his mouth! [Mind you, he was deliberately useing the praseology of the 1920's, and I'm sure he would not apply such prases to women of my generation, but it's not a topic I usually discuss with my dad very often].

Finally, a loved one miscarried this week. Apparently it is quite common in the first trimester of pregnancy and didn't hurt much, but is disappointing for them all the same. Kaz Cooke's fantastic book "Up the Duff" tells me that between 1/8-1/4th of all pregancies might be miscarried...

Now, must go and tend the sick with lemon and honey drinks - I have recovered as of late yesterday, but now have a flu-ey C-chan!!

1 comment:

J said...

Hey gurl! nice to see your blog again - I had some issue opening this page last time I tried, thought maybe it was down due to tech issues, but just as likely my end. LOVE the pet monkey dream. Lots of lovely possibly interps - could be some cheeky and mishcheiviuos part of yourself that needs your attention so that it can work in your favour? I'm all for channeling the innner monkey a bit more :)

Funny phrase thing of your pa's. I remember the horrifying moment of an ex-psuedo-mother-in-law who used that hideous phrase 'pr*ck teaser', articulating it like it was something nasty to be spat, but with no sense of irony, and no sense of the idea that it may have been a slightly uncomfortable notion to be espusing as we were gathered in a forum to discuss sexual assault of women. aaaah language - it says a lot doesn't it ??! (Not suggesting for a second that your dad's comment is in the same league as this corker!!)