09 September 2004

Couch spud

We have recently taken to reading the description of late night movies scheduled to air on our ethnic telly station just for our amusement. Here is a snap shot from 3 movies airing this week:

A certified, yet harmless, nut case is on a five-day "observational" leave pass
from a lunatic asylum. (Greece)
A family of farmers has to deal with the retarded elder son. He gets
everybody bored and tired of him, even the cow, to whom he talks several times a
day. (France)

Otherwise, I am enjoying watching or anticipating watching:
- "6 Ft Under". The new series has just started on the teev - yay, some drama that doesn't explain everything and has some engaging, different characters!
- John Saffran's new show about religions of the world.
- The Chaser (CNNNN) group are taking a break from afternoon radio committments to soon produce an election special! Where would we be without their irreverent humour to keep us sane in the lead up to the Big Poll?
- "People Like Us". If you have never seen this 1/2 hour show, try to watch it. This week it was on 10pm Tues on our national broadcaster. I don't know how to describe it, other than a spoof documentary.

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