30 September 2004

Calling all rich business people who are feeling generous....

My challenge is not to award a 15 million pound prize to the first company who can build a passenger plane that can carry 3 passenger astronauts twice into space...

My challenge is do anything else with the same amount of money so long as it does someone good. It can even do humanity as a whole good! Really easy! Lots of options! Just think, you can:-
- build hospitals in impoverished regions of the world (and there are lots of those),
- make townships in remote regions self sufficient with electricity, food and water,
and oh, I don't know,
- fund the development of biodegradable plastics,
- fund a new train line in Sydney (instead of a motorway),
- give your live audience hybrid cars or annual public transport passes.

There, I just came up with 5 ideas for you, really quick! (Whatever you think if his music, at least Bono gets off his bum and does something about raising awareness of AIDS and 3rd world debt).

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