04 August 2004

State of mind

Unsettled about: reaching the half way point of my contract, and not really knowing where I’ll be in 6 months time

Exhilarated about: feeling fit for the first time in years… the power in my arms and legs as I do laps, muscles reasserting their place in my body

Blissful about: life every day with the person I’m with (awww - but it's true!)

Calmed by: the beautiful cliffs, rainforest and forest I walked around on the weekend

Sated by: all the rich, yummy food I ate whilst away. It’ll have to be back to the food basics for a few days now…

Annoyed by: the fussy eater I sat next to at the fantastic BBQ lunch, put on by the students today, who felt the need to comment about everything... (ooh - I wouldn't like that.... oh, I don't think I'll eat any more of that - anyone else want mine?.... What do you call this stuff then?)

Pleased about: balancing up all the biological science based-learning I’ve done by reading the occasional non-fiction book.

Wondering about: which craft, cause or hobby I might take up next?

Thrilled for: a family who have just had their visa extended by a year, who have handled every set back with grace, counted their blessings, survived on shakey work contracts, and managed to hold together a family of 3 children who are rapidly becoming little Australians and wouldn’t remember much about “home” if they had to go back there.

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