I need some help with the following anagrams. What on earth do the following mean?
- LMAO - little men all overwrought?
- LMFAO - same with "fricken" in there?
I can't, for the life of me, think what they are meant to mean. I DO know that "LOL" means "laugh out loud", but reckon it is way over-used, and could be written just as briefly as "ha ha!" much of the time.
I know admitting this makes me un-hip, but I'm a mother of two so that was going to happen sooner or later anyway. (That, and I was never considered cool anyway, except to my dear best-friend/husband.)
So folks? Any more tech savvy people able to enlighten me? While you're at it, are there any other anagrams I've missed?
Laughing my arse off, I believe.
Enjoy this acronym? You may also enjoy IMHO (in my humble opinion), and IANYL (I am not your lawyer). which is usually followed by 'but...' and a great screed of legal advice from Google
My 11-y-o cousin uses LMAO instead of Hahaha -she thinks it is the naughtiest thing out.
Also RTFM (Ed taught me that) Read the "ficken" manual.. and old skool computer nerd one.
Oh, these are great - thanks Ladies!
Another few:
ROFL - Rolling On the Floor Laughing
IRL - in real life
BRB - be right back
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