10 October 2007

Hiatus in the fossil record

I too am having a break due to annoying lack of home internet coverage out of my control...
Am also thinking - as is trendy these days - about whether I will continue to blog, cut out embarrassing old posts then let a wider audience read or something else entirely.

In other thoughts - felt like a groovy "with it" mum when I got the PM's special booklet on protecting families on the 'net the other night - knew what all the lingo meant, and I myself use many of the precautions that they recommend that you recommend your kids use on the net. But will I still be "up with it" when E-chan when his little fingers start tapping away in the whorld whide wheb? It is my duty as a mother to be, surely? or any other excuse to spend time skyping, blogging or facebooking?


Mermaidgrrrl said...

I must confess to going on a rant about pre-election campaigning when we got our crappy booklet and threw it in the bin with much vengeance. Same with the one on drugs. I freakin hate that man!!!!!!!!!!

meririsa said...

ohh - there's no way any such propaganda would make me think any differently of the govt. I take what I think is of interest, ditch what isn't - the govt isn't going to know either way unless they ring me up and I agree to answer market research questions.