19 September 2006

The Amazing Nighttime Adventures of Microman

It's 4.00am, and Mother was awoken by Microman making noises in his cot in the next room. In her half asleep state, she waited a minute or two to see whether something really is the matter, or whether Microman has simply decided it was time to have a play*. Microman made a few odd sounds, so Mother decided it was time to get up and investigate. She wearily pads over to Microman's room...

"Oooh! I didn't leave you like that when I put you to bed!!" exclaimed Mother, astounded to find Microman at a 90 degree angle to his normal sleeping direction, and half way up his cot!! In addition, he was completely uncovered!
"Gooo!" cooed Microman, with a cute upside-down smile, then proceeded to suck at his hands. He was completely happy!

Mother picked him up for a quick cuddle to help resettle him before rewrapping him for sleep, then decided to check his nappy. Microman wriggled like crazy on the change table, writhing from left to right, kicking up his legs and lifting up his bum. All the while, Microman made such cute noises and pulled such adorable faces that Mother found it very hard to not crack a smile herself**.

Finally, Mother re-wrapped Microman in his cotton wrap, stroked his adorable little head, put on some soothing noises to help him to sleep, and headed back to bed. Hopefully, there would be a few more hours of sleep before he awoke again, wanting to play and then feed...

*E-chan has recently taken to waking up at this unsociable hour for no other reason than to play. He's not hungry because he doesn't cry out for food, but sometimes does require a nappy change...
** This is the cardinal rule of what not to do when trying to settle a child who needs to get some sleep but is being stubborn and verging into "overtired" territory. They are so encouraged by this that they think it really is time to play...


The fun is starting... E-chan is learning to move where he wants to go, and is only a few days from being able to roll onto his tummy. Soon the days of finding him where I left him will be gone forever!!

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