04 November 2005

Sluggishness and other ramblings (from one who has lost her mental faculties)

Friend and mother-of-2-year-old asked me when I told her I’m preggers: “now, are you ready to lose your mental faculties?”. I now think I know what she meant.

On top of that, I feel predominantly like a slug at present. I slide out of bed in the morning (so I don’t faint or make self sick), I get up and wash my face and lie down for a few more minutes. I get dressed and get myself off to work. I am a grumpy, terse slug for much of the morning - a little blunter than usual in past few days at meetings…“Can you hurry up? We’re all waiting for you!” to guy who is late and fiddling around with email….”So what are you getting at?” to people who go off in never-ending tangents…”PLEASE one person at a time!!” when people keep talking over each other. Totally justified, but I usually have more tact and cheeriness than that).

I eat nuts, wholemealy biscuits and vegemite, yoghurt, and fruit as am able in morning. Small lunches (it’s getting squashed for space in there), mouthfuls separated by big sighs – I’m sure that’s how slugs would behave.

I look longingly around office for somewhere I could nap for a few mins without anyone noticing, but window-wall means everyone can see in. (Can’t wait until I have officially told employer so I can be open about everything, but time is not right yet.)

Home again, for more snack food while I can before AS/ES kicks in (afternoon / evening sickness). Can’t face thought of cooking, eat what can, fall asleep on couch or drag self off to bed. Went to bed at 8:30 last night, woke up at 1:30, was sick, then was forced to overhear someone else having “a really nice time” with their windows open. Wonder how I ever had energy, but must have, clearly to be in state I am in now. The world is so boring at 1:30 am – C-chan is just as tired as me with all he has on, so can’t wake him up for a chat. The TV channels could at least re-run popular programs for night owls, but instead they throw on 5th-rate American sitcoms, infomercials, evangelists and parliamentary question time. Everything else (e.g. cleaning house, sitting upright) takes too much energy.

I’m told that after a while (end of 1st trimester), energy levels return, and sickness decreases for most. Can’t wait. Wanna be out there doing laps in der pool; pounding the pavement; cooking up a storm; having weird-ass cravings for pickles and ice-cream rather than sparrow eating. Not to mention all the planning/chucking out/cleaning up we need to do around the house to make room for baby stuff, and the fact that I only know of one maternity wear shop in the whole of Sydney (but haven’t done a serious search yet either). My wardrobe is almost entirely lacking loose-fitting summer wear, for the top half anyway. I’m not showing yet, but certainly am not liking tight fitting clothes as much as I used to.

Had first Ultrasound this week! This is the dating ultrasound. To be honest, I never had any doubt about conception date (or date from last period, as they calculate the 40 weeks from), as am aware enough of my cycle to know what was going on, when, but I suppose the Public Health system can’t just take your word for it. For all they know, I could be some nut case with an imagined pregnancy. I suppose it helps them get me in the system, and plan how many babies are due to be born in the hospital in months to come. The US confirmed that bub is alive and well, has limbs and a head, and has a (normally) fast heart rate (160 bpm – as fast as mine when I have been swimming hard). Confirmed that bub is 10 weeks along this week, alive, and the size it should be. Phew.

As an aside, check out this article entitled "Where is Superman?" This is exactly what I (as an amateur social theorist) have been thinking a big part of the problem with inequality in the family/career balance thing has been.

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