23 March 2004

Times of change = times of vivid dreaming

Not surprising to find that this time in my life - where lots of change is happening - that the vivid dreams start happening.

Last night, I dreamt that me and 3 men parachuted into WW2 Germany. Only problem was that when we landed, 2 of the men had plain kilts on. It occurred to me that they might stand out as being Scottish. We pressed on nonetheless, and went into a large store to buy supplies and plain coats. It then occurred to me that I was wearing a kilt also - tartan. I wondered if we could get away without being noticed. Suddenly the kilted men did a runner and everyone else was chasing them. The other man and I decided to go out the back way. I ran out into grassed areas and headed for the woods, now alone. I knew I had to get out, but only had a parachute!

Before you criticise my subconscious for its strangeness, there are a few symbolic things in that dream that I easily recognise for what they are... New job will almost definitely be male-dominated field. Parachute sybolises dropping into somewhere different - if you really think about it, my new work place is in some ways opposite to where I work now - "behind enemy lines". I suspect the male company and kilts are exploring the archetypal gender roles, and my degree of comfort when working with men and my own (male) animus.

Not so wierd now, eh? Was all in a WW2 setting because I have been reading and watching a lot about this topic over the past year. "Charlotte Gray", eat your heart out!

Can't focus on future role much in waking hours - so much to do before I leave, but my brain goes and does it in my sleep! Cool!

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